Although bees are one of the few universally loved insects that have many positive effects on the outdoors, that's where they should stay - living away from you and your loved ones, especially if there's any chance that bee could be a wasp. Here at K.C.S, we care about your health, so we've gathered tips to identify whether that unexpected guest is a bee or a wasp and how to handle it accordingly.
Characteristics of a Bee

Between 0.2 to 4 cm in length
Rounded thorax (chest) and abdomen (body)
Fuzzy body
Legs bent/tucked up towards body when flying
Tend to stay around flowers and plants
When most bee's sting someone, their stinger gets stuck inside the skin and they pass away from their injuries when they try to remove it - meaning bees will only ever sting once as an absolute last resort
Pollenate flowers and use the nectar to produce honey within their hive
Nests are generally hidden inside trees, walls, or even in some cases in the ground
Tend to leave humans alone unless purposefully aggravated
Have a Queen
Whilst bees and humans can coincide in the same outdoor area, when bees start to make nests inside the walls and ceiling of you home this can cause structural damage. As well as this, if bees live inside your home they are more likely to feel threatened due to the close nature, and hence are more likely to sting to protect their Queen.
Characteristics of a Wasp

Between 5 to 10 cm in length
Oblong thorax (chest) and abdomen (body)
Smooth body
Legs hanging down when flying
Tend to stay around flowers and plants
Can sting multiple times with no fatality
Eats other bugs such as caterpillars and ladybugs along with fruits
Does not produce honey
Nests are generally visible, usually against walls, under rooves or hanging from trees
Aggressive in nature when people approach their nest
Have a Queen
Wasps, whether in the backyard or indoors, can cause serious problems. Not only are they destructive, aggressive and more likely to sting than a bee, many people develop severe, life-threatening allergies that worsen with each sting. This alone strengthens the importance of protecting your home against pests in advance, however if insects of any sort are creating a problem, K.C.S has many options available to bring back a calm and sting-free environment.